Charles Sadoul
Exhibitions Unit
Brief info
(A CTO, creative developer, sound engineer, musician and much more besides. Charles Sadoul explores the relationship between art and new technologies, more specifically between image, sound and movement, in a constant attempt to disrupt existing conventions. His creations are protean, offering new forms and using emerging technologies to create a context to be seen and felt in another way. His projects come about as a result of encounters and exchanges and lead him to “hybrid” creations, mixing acoustic and electronic music, interactive installations, museography, multimedia creations on stage or in situ. In terms of music, his journey has recently seen him alongside Orelsan, NTM, Gesaffelstein, Eddy de Pretto and Jain. In museums, Charles Sadoul has worked for the White Nights and the exhibitions Mazarine, Hi (Ibiza), Antarctica and YVES SAINT LAURENT black opium.He also designed the sets for shows and performances by MotorCortex, Akrylo (D-Rush) and Trans (Compagnie Hybride).